Adaptation of the 1997 best-selling novel "Jackie Loves Johnser OK?" by Neville Thompson, described as "an ultra-violent musical and romantic comedy".详情>>
Takuya is a boy with a slight stutter. One day, during ice hockey practice,
he falls in love with Sakura, a girl figure skater. He tries to talk to her, but
he can’t get the wo...详情>>
大卫·柯南伯格透露他将在2023年3月拍摄一部新片,电影名《裹尸布》 (The Shrouds),该片将由萨义德·本·萨义德(《圣母》《星图》)联合制作。 男主卡什是一名有创意的商人、悲伤的鳏夫,他建造了一个设备,能够在一块埋葬的裹尸布内与死者联系。当卡什这项革新性的事业即将闯入国际主流视线时,包括他妻子坟墓在内的几块墓地被蓄意破坏、几近摧毁。卡什努力想要...详情>>
故事设定在“猿流感”病毒蔓延全球的背景下,人类几近毁灭,而进化为高级智慧生物的猿类一跃成为食物链顶端的王者。时移世异,暴虐的猿类首领赛撒(凯文·杜兰 Kevin Durand 饰)在一片废墟中建立起猿族历史上的第一个帝国——“猩球”崛起,这是世界新秩序诞生的黎明时分。神秘的人类女孩诺娃(弗蕾娅·艾伦 Freya Allan 饰)的出现,引起了赛撒的警觉。她似...详情>>
Detective Seo Do-cheol (HWANG Jung-min) and his Major Crime Investigation
Division tirelessly track down criminals day and night, often at the expense of
their personal lives.W...详情>>