Three sisters on the Canary Islands, their everyday lives infused with a magical, meditative lyricism. Three life strategies without a breadwinner, narrated via the body, a mix of ...详情>>
Married as per the polyandry custom of Himalayas Nepal, PEMA (22), after being left by all her three husbands, discovers she’s pregnant and sets out to find her first husband, TASH...详情>>
Lixue (22) doesn’t ask herself if she likes Recife. She certainly doesn’t want to ask whether her new city likes her, after being sent there to live with her aunt. Aunt Lili owns a...详情>>
During an artistic residency organized by the French Embassy in China, the musician conducted interviews with each member of the Lijian Dayan Naxi orchestra, an ancestral music orc...详情>>
柏林电影节全景单元。Faruk, who is over 90 years old, increasingly becomes the protagonist in the
film his daughter is making about the impending demolition of his block of flats
in Istan...详情>>